#1 TIP:
www.powertochoose.org to make sure you’re getting the best price for electric service. Choose the best deal for you and sign up for a year, then look at it again in another year and consider switching again. (It’s free to switch after your contract is up.)


Let the sunshine in.
Open drapes and let the sun help heat your home for free (get them closed again at sundown so they help insulate).

Rearrange your rooms.
Move your furniture around so you are sitting near interior walls – exterior walls and older windows are likely to be drafty.

Turn down your thermostat
Set your thermostat to 68 degrees when you are home and 55-60 degrees when you are away.

Keep it shut.
When not in use, make sure the damper is closed. If you decide not to use a fireplace at all, block off the chimney with a piece of rigid insulation from the hardware store that fits snugly into the space (dampers don’t shut fully without some air leaking).

Eliminate wasted energy.
Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms. Unplug that spare refrigerator in the garage if you don’t truly need it. Turn off bathroom ventilating fans after they’ve done their job.

Be a speedy chef
Nothing is more energy efficient for cooking than your microwave. It uses two-thirds less energy than your stove.

Use the dishwasher
Your dishwasher uses less water than washing dishes by hand. Then let dishes air-dry to save even more!

Fill up the fridge
Having lots of food in your fridge keeps it from warming up too fast when the door is opened, so your fridge doesn’t have to work as hard to stay cool.

Shorten showers.
Simply reducing that lingering time by a few minutes can save hundreds of gallons of hot water per month for a family of four. Showers account for 2/3 of your water heating costs.

Use appliances efficiently.
Do only full loads when using your dishwasher and clothes washer. Use the cold water setting on your clothes washer when you can. Be sure to clean your clothes dryer’s lint trap after each use.

Put your computer and monitor to sleep.
Set your computer’s power management settings to sleep if you’re away from your machine for 5 to 15 minutes. When you’re done using your computer, turn it off; do not leave it in sleep mode overnight as it is still drawing a small amount of power.

Plug “leaking energy” in electronics.
Many new TVs, chargers, computer peripherals,  and other electronics use electricity even when they are switched “off.” Although these “standby losses” are only a few watts each, they add up to more than 50 watts in a typical home that is consumed all the time. If possible, unplug electronic devices and chargers that have a block-shaped transformer on the plug when they are not in use. For computer scanners, printers and other devices that are plugged into a power strip, simply switch off the power strip after shutting down your computer.


With a quick trip to your local hardware store, you have even more choices at hand.

Choose ENERGY STAR® Products.
Replace incandescent light bulbs with ENERGTY STAR compact fluorescent light bulbs, especially in high-use light fixtures. Compact fluorescent lights use 75 percent less energy than incandescent lights.

Plug your home’s leaks.
Install weather-stripping or caulk leaky doors and windows and install gaskets behind outlet covers. Savings up to 10 percent on energy costs.

Install low flow showerheads.
If you do not already have them, low-flow showerheads and faucets can drastically cut your hot water expenses.

Wrap the hot water tank with jacket insulation.
This is especially valuable for older water heaters with little internal insulation. Be sure to leave the air intake vent uncovered when insulating a gas water heater. Savings up to 10 percent on water heating costs.


Do you need any new appliances, or are you planning to do some remodeling? Consider these energy efficiency suggestions before you purchase.

Choose ENERGY STAR appliances and electronics.
When buying new appliances, choose ENERGY STAR-certified models.

Install a programmable thermostat.
If you have a heat pump, be sure select a model designed for heat pumps. Set-back thermostats can save up to 15 percent on energy costs.

Increase ceiling insulation.
If your ceiling is uninsulated or scantily insulated, consider increasing your insulation to up to R-38 to reduce heating costs by 5-25 percent.

Seal ducts.
Consider hiring a contractor to test the tightness of your ducts and repair leaks and restrictions in your duct.

High-efficiency windows. If you are planning to replace your windows, choosing ENERGY STAR windows can reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 15 percent.

Stay warm, my friends!